Sunday, October 24, 2010

Trophy Head

I've recently had an infatuation with plastic animal figurines. Shortly after completing the Henrietta album cover concept, I came across Steph Mantis' Pack Rack - so cool! Now that I have a couple dozen white animal figurines on hand from the album photoshoot, this gives me a few ideas as to what to do with them. (Side note: I think Steph should make an animal derriere version of the pack rack! From plastic snout to plastic tail, even animal figurines can be used with minimal waste.)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Catching up

So I'm thinking of starting a new blog. Until I get that one going, here is a bit of catch up from my life, as shown through a roll of film that was sitting in my camera since January and finally finished and developed last month. It's sort of like a montage, as you will.

Montage begin!

Montage over!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Freezelight Magic Forest

It's only February and we probably have at least another two months of Canadian winter left....booooooooooooo. Excuse me while I escape into the magic forest for a bit.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

x-mas catch-up v1

For Scott's Christmas present this year, I took a sheet of Helvetica letter transfer that I've been saving since my first year of university and scratched, and scratched, and scratched the whole sheet onto a piece of glass, rearranging the alphabet to put S+H together [insert cheesy pick-up line here].